Green Minerals: Grant of options under share incentive scheme

Green Minerals today updates on it`s employee share incentive program.

The Board of Directors has decided to grant 100,000 warrants to Mr Espen
Simonstad, Senior Advisor Geoscience with a strike price of NOK 20 per share.
Further, the Board has decided to realign the vesting prices for Mr Ståle
Monstad and Mr Maxime Lesage to the latest allocation under the program. The
program becomes vested over a period of 3 years from the Grant date.

To this end, allocations under the program are as follows:

No of shares owned Warrants
Ståle Rodahl, Executive Chairman 158,400 300,000
Øivind Dahl-Stamnes, Board member 18,100 100,000
Ståle Monstad, Head of Exploration 200,000
Espen Simonstad, Senior Adv Geoscience 100,000
Maxime Lesage, Chief Engineer 100,000

Ståle Rodahl
Executive Chairman
Ph: +47 4840 0593