
Sustainability is key to who we are and everything we do.

Deep sea mining of minerals and rare earth elements key to the green shift is our solution to the huge environmental and social costs involved in onshore mining today, while enabling electrification and digitization in a sustainable manner.

Our Sustainability Reports reveal the evolution of our sustainability efforts through our ongoing commitment to environmental stewardship, social equity, and ethical governance.

Access all reports here

Green Minerals Code of Conduct is the cornerstone of our commitment to integrity and ethical business practices. The company fosters a culture of respect and inclusion to upholding transparency and compliance. Our Code serves as a roadmap for every member of our community.

Read it here

Green Minerals Human Rights Policy shows the company´s commitments to upholding fundamental rights and dignity for all individuals, and pledges to respect, protect, and promote human rights in every aspect of our operations and interactions,

Read it here

The Transparency Act, which came into effect on July 1, 2022, marks a significant milestone in Norway's commitment to corporate social responsibility and ethical business practices. This legislation mandates that larger enterprises and public authorities disclose information on their efforts to respect fundamental human rights and prevent adverse impacts within their operations and supply chains. The Act aims to foster transparency, promote accountability, and empower consumers, investors, and other stakeholders with the information needed to make informed decisions.

Norwegian version

English version

Where should metals come from?

The onshore mining industry is mired in a self-reinforcing spiral of ever increasing environmental footprint to extract the marginal tonne of mineral, as ore grades decline, deforestation increases and waste per tonne ore mushrooms. This development can hardly go on much longer. A study by Paulikas et al published earlier this year concluded that offshore mining of nodules would reduce the environmental footprint by more than 90%.

Side-by-side comparison offshore vs onshore mining

(impact of minerals to 1 bn electric cars)

                                                                                 ONSHORE               OFFSHORE               % CHANGE


CO2 EQUIVALENT EMISSIONS, Gt                                                       1,5                              0,4                           -70%


ORE USE, Gt                                                                                              25                                 6                           -75%


DEFORESTATION, km2                                                                   66,000                         5,200                           -92%


SOLID WASTE, Gt                                                                                    64                                 0                         -100%


FRESHWATER ECOTOXICITY, 1,4-DCB equivalent Gt                      21                               0,1                           -99%


MEGAFAUNA WILDLIFE AT RISK, TRILLION ORGANISMS              47                                 3                           -93%



Source: Paulikas et al, 2020

Green Minerals is a member of the UN Global Compact

As part of our commitment to sustainable and responsible business practices, Green Minerals has embedded the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact into strategies and operations, and committed to respecting human and labour rights, safeguarding the environment, and working against corruption in all its forms.


The Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact

Green Minerals` contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development was adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015 and has 17 Sustainable Development Goals, which aim to guide society to a better future for all.

Companies play an important role on the achievement of the Goals due the relevance of the impact they have on the economy, people and the environment. As a responsible company, Green Minerals has the ambition to act on all the Goals, but focus on the following:


By contributing to increase the share of renewable energy.


By reducing CO2 emissions through multiple actions, like promoting the use of energy efficient technology combined with renewable energies.


By creating decent jobs and sustainable economic growth.


By making assessment of potential negative impacts from deep-sea mining and creating effective actions for prevention and mitigation, aiming to protect the oceans and biodiversity.


 By sustainably supply rare earth elements and base metals.


By creating tools to ensure that our company and all our value chain acts in accordance with the law, respects human rights and encourage people to report any deviation.


By reducing waste generation and enabling the green energy transition.