Green Minerals AS – Annual General Meeting 2022 completed

Green Minerals AS announces that the annual general meeting was held on Thursday 26 May 2022. All proposals on the agenda, as proposed by the board of directors and set out in the notice of the meeting announced on 19 May 2022, were adopted with requisite majority. The minutes from the general meeting are attached to this notice.

For further queries contact: Erik von Krogh CFO Mob: +47 930 38 075

ABOUT GREEN MINERALS: Green Minerals AS is a pioneer in marine minerals on the Norwegian Continental Shelf. Our mission is to deliver minerals for the green energy transition in a responsible and sustainable manner, thereby lowering the environmental impact and reducing the social costs from onshore mining. The Company targets a NOK 1000bn resource potential on the NCS and expects pilot production to commence in 2026.

For more, visit

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section 5-12 the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.

GEM – AGM 2022 minutes.pdf