Green Minerals AS: Blocks for 1st licensing round nominated

Oslo, Norway – 22 May 2024 – Reference is made to the 30 April 2024 press release. Green Minerals AS («the Company») is pleased to share that the Company on May 21 submitted its nomination for blocks for the 1st licensing round for marine minerals within the Norwegian Exclusive Economic Zone to the Norwegian Offshore Directorate. The nomination encompassed all the various play models within the opened acreage, including blocks in areas demonstrated to be highly prospective.

The Company expects to submit its application for license in Q3 2024 with licenses set to be awarded early in 2025.

Disclosure regulation

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements in article 19 of the Market Abuse Regulation and section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.


About Green Minerals AS

Green Minerals AS mission is to deliver minerals for the green energy transition in a responsible and sustainable manner through deep sea mining of key minerals and rare earth elements (REE). This significantly reduces the social and environmental costs found in terrestrial mining while at the same time solving a strategic need for EU and the USA. For more, visit
